With higher education institutions making the leap into all-remote board meetings because of the coronavirus outbreak, it’s vital to take steps to ensure effective collaboration and decision making during these crucial sessions via virtual technology. To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of boards institutions must concentrate on three main aspects of meeting organization:

Make sure that your attendees can join on any device and from any location. Using a cloud-based board portal with integrated video conferencing can help make it easy for trustees to connect and participate in meetings from anywhere.

Create an agenda that will guide your meeting. Distribute the agenda at least a week prior to the meeting to allow attendees to review it and prepare talking point. The creation of an agenda with time limits for each item will help keep participants focused and stop them from getting distracted by wandering off. Also, make sure to note off-agenda items and agree to reschedule for an alternative date if required.

Consider adopting a consent agenda to save time during the meeting for noncontroversial topics that do not require discussion or input from all members. This will give you more time to delve into strategic issues.

Give a clear description of the proper manner to be followed for virtual meetings. Include the expectation that participants minimize their microphones even when they’re not speaking. This simple gesture can be a huge help to reduce background noise and improve the quality of audio.


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